Austin teen brings poetry to Chicago schools – and beyond

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Through a passion for poetry he’s been sharing with youth across the city, one Austin teen hopes to inspire change.

“There are a lot of kids like me in places like this, places kind of pushed into the shadows by the people who run this city,” Malcolm London told Chicago Tribune reporter Rick Kogan.

“We have stories to tell, stories not told in the news and media. I am getting the chance to tell mine, and others can too,” he said in the Oct. 14th story.

The 19-year-old’s talent and passion was first noticed when he participated in the Louder Than a Bomb annual youth poetry festival three years ago. He has since been featured by WBEZ, participated in performances at the North Side Metro and last month appeared on the Lexus-sponsored television program”Verses & Flow.”

London travels across the city sharing poetry and working with youth in Chicago schools.

Click here to read the full Chicago Tribune story.

Click here to watch a sample of London’s work recorded by WBEZ last year.


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