Free legal help available on West Side

The North Lawndale Legal Clinic will hold its monthly availability on Nov 19th from 5 to 7 p.m, with doors opening at 4 p.m. The clinic – sponsored by Winston & Strawn LLP, UCAN and LAF – will be held at 3605 W. Fillmore St. Lawyers will be available to consult about child custody and support; divorce; domestic violence; expungement; housing and eviction; powers of attorney; public benefits; and other civil legal issues.

BUILD holds open house Saturday

Stop by 5100 W. Harrison St. from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Nov. 16 for a building tour and learn about the non-profit’s work in Austin and its plans for the future. Refreshments will be served.

Thank you to our veterans

Veterans will be honored Monday from 11 to 11:30 a.m. at the 29th Ward Veterans’ Peace Garden at 5413 W. Madison St. (across from MacArthur’s restaurant). The public is invited to this free event, which is sponsored by the Austin Veterans Community Organization.

West Siders invited to hear local symphony rehearse

The free open rehearsal of The Symphony of Oak Park and River Forest will be held at the Kehrein Center for the Arts, 5628 W. Washington Blvd., at 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 10. The symphony – under the direction of Riccardo Muti – will be performing selections from Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet.