CPS students go back to class Tuesday

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Thousands of West Side students start the new school year today.

The CTA is providing free bus and train rides from 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. for both students and adults who are accompanying them to school.

Some Austin high school schools will be starting later than in previous years as CPS tries to save money. These schools have a 9 a.m. start time (ending at 4:15 p.m.):

  • Austin Business & Entrepreneurship High School
  • Austin Poyltechnical High School
  • Douglass High School
  • VOISE High School

The state’s largest school district – with about 400,000 students – faces severe financial woes; officials hope state lawmakers in Springfield will help balance the budget.

CPS has posted answers to frequently asked questions on its web site.

The district’s back-t0-school hotline is: (773) 553-3223.

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