Candidates for local school council sought

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The parent-student advocacy group Raise Your Hand is urging Chicagoans to run for their local school council.

Applications are due at your school by 3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26.

Who’s eligible to run? Parents, school teachers and other staff, and residents in the neighborhoods around each CPS school.

Gordon Mayer shares why he thinks people should serve:

As the chair of William H. Ray Elementary School’s LSC and a Raise Your Hand member, here’s why I think you should do it:

— Power. OK, that’s a joke, you don’t have a lot of power. Basically the LSC evaluates the principal, participates in setting the vision and mission of the school, and helps oversee school finances.
— Fun. OK, well, actually, at least our LSC, we meet a lot in the evening. We do occasionally order pizza. Actually, at our school folks mostly only come to the LSC meetings when there is a problem.
— Popularity. Again, actually, the only time folks really come to an LSC meeting is if there is a problem.

OK, those are slightly silly reasons why Raise Your Hand members should consider running for LSC if you are eligible.

The real reason is that Raise Your Hand members understand the context of district and national changes sweeping education, and are equipped to be leaders in their schools. LSC members get to set the agenda for how to improve schools in Chicago.

So while it is hard for me to say what is in it for each RYH member individually (except of course, for pizza) I know that for the group, and for me as a CPS parent, it’s important for us to have as many of those positions as possible — both to make sure the LSCs are effective and to strengthen our voices as parents collectively.

So get the forms, fill ’em out, and file to run for LSC.

Mailed, faxed or e-mailed forms will not be accepted. Elections will be held April 7 for elementary school LSCs and April 8 for high school LSCs.

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