Austin youth represented in Louder than a Bomb

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Students from Austin’s Christ the King Jesuit College Prep and the Austin Career Education Center who participated in Young Chicago Author’s Louder than a Bomb competition can watch Wednesday, March 6 as individual poets compete in the finals at the Chicago Cultural Center at 7 p.m. Team finals will be held Saturday, March 9 at the Cadillac Palace Theater at 6 p.m.

Louder than a Bomb is an Olympic-style competition involving students from more than 100 Chicago schools and a multitude of neighborhoods, including the West Side. Admission to tonight’s event is free. On Saturday, admission will be $20 for adults and $10 for students.

“For three minutes at a time, the students speak about their lives. For the other 87 minutes, they are listening to the lives and stories and dreams of others – kids that don’t look like them and come from a different neighborhood. In listening, the city shrinks,” co-founder Kevin Coval told WBEZ.

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