Austin, cast your votes today

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If you didn’t take advantage of early voting earlier this month, today is your last chance to cast your vote. Polls will be open until 7 p.m.

In today’s primary election, registered voters will select delegates to serve at each party’s national convention and elect committeemen for each of the city’s 50 wards. Candidates will also be nominated for several local, state and national positions.

On the West Side, incumbent Ald. Deborah Graham and U.S. Rep. Danny K. Davis are competing for 29th Ward committeeman.

Davis is also running to keep his position in the 7th Congressional District race against Jacques A. Conway.

Running unopposed, Ald. Emma Mitts (37th), is on the ballot for 37th Ward committeeman, and she’s also running for a position as a 7th Congressional District delegate agent for President Barack Obama’s campaign.

In the 24th Ward committeeman race, Wallace E. “Mickey” Johnson is up against Ald. Michael D. Chandler.

Ald. Jason C. Ervin is running unopposed for 28th Ward committeeman.

State Rep. Camille Lilly is running against Michael D. Nardello to keep her seat in the 78th District.

In the 8th District, State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford is running unopposed.

Kimberly A. Lightford is also running unopposed for her 4th District state Senate seat.

Don’t know where to go to cast your vote? Click here to find your polling place.

Want to see a list of all candidates?  Click here.

Learn about the match-up in the 7th district here


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