24th Ward man seeks to be next ward committteeman

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I am absolutely excited about the prospect of becoming the Democratic committeeman for the 24th Ward.

I have a clear, unobstructed vision and message for the citizens of the ward. I declared my candidacy because I am aware that this is an important moment in history, and that the time for structural change is now.

As power shifts in this city, it is vitally important that the needs of the citizens of the 24th Ward are no longer neglected and overlooked.  I believe that, as a unified community, we can demand the respect we deserve and change the power dynamics of this town.

As Chicago, a city first settled by Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable, a black man, celebrates its 175th anniversary this year, many citizens are suffering, and that is especially true in the 24th Ward.

Yet, the 24th Ward is full of brilliant and creative people who deserve elected officials who respect them, support them, and who will represent their interests intelligently and tenaciously.

I am certain that I am the right person for the job of committeeman, because I am committed to helping the talented people of the 24th Ward gain access to the American Dream.

The job of the Democratic ward committeemen is extremely important, because committeemen are party leaders who slate the party’s candidates for elected offices.

As your committeeman, I will work tirelessly to promote the inclusive ideals and values of the Democratic Party and to slate candidates who are competent, hard-working and sensitive to the needs of the citizens in the 24th Ward.

I will insist that the candidates I help slate are fully vetted, because, in order to obtain my support, candidates for elected office will have to possess competence, integrity and an earnest desire to be a real public servant.

In other words, they will have to be fully invested in revitalizing and upgrading the standard of living for the people in the 24th Ward.  Also, I will present seminars about how the activities of various elected officials impact the citizens of the 24th Ward, and I will insist that Democratic public officials hold town hall meetings to keep citizens fully informed about important issues – because that is what justice and true democracy demands.

I was born, raised and nurtured in the 24th Ward, and I have tremendous affection for the people there. I understand the plight of the community and I am a warrior who is willing to fight to institute changes for the betterment of our neighborhoods.

What we want and need matters, and it is time for bold, uncompromising leadership to step forth, demand change, and get things accomplished.  That is precisely the kind of energetic leadership I will provide as the Democratic committeeman for the 24th Ward.

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