Host an election party

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How can the next mayor and city council build on Chicago’s reputation as one of the greenest cities in America?

Center for Neighborhood Technology has developed a set of 22 policy recommendations making the case for how Chicago’s next leaders can apply sustainable development principles to green the city and strengthen the local economy. Read them here.

But the center needs your participation to help make sustainability a key issue in the city’s upcoming historic election! “We must show candidates it is a priority for us,  and keep the conversation going among family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.”

Are you interested in hosting a house party to discuss how sustainable development is economic development? If you provide the venue and group of interested Chicagoans, the Center for Neighborhood Technology will provide staff and resources to facilitate the discussion.

To get involved, contact Emily Robinson at or 773.269.4043.

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  1. Pingback: CNT Press Mentions January 2011 : Center for Neighborhood Technology

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