Chicago Coalition for Mayor announces two candidates still in the running for its support

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After weeks of deliberations, discussions and interviews with nearly a dozen candidates, the Chicago Coalition for Mayor has narrowed its list to two finalists.

A press release sent out this afternoon said the decision came after “a heated and passionate debate” Wednesday night: “The room was filled with emotion. The discussion lasted several hours. Finally, the Chicago Coalition for Mayor, by a majority vote, accepted the Selection Committee’s recommendation.”

Former U.S. Sen. and Ambassador Carol Moseley Braun and Commissioner Larry Rogers will meet with the coalition “in the very near future,” the release states. The coalition has been meeting for more than a month, shortly after Mayor Daley announced he would not seek a seventh term.

Here’s who else was considered.

The election is Feb. 22, 2011.

Don’t miss our earlier coverage of this story.

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