Lawmakers: Rioting, looting in response to video would devastate West Side
Elected officials hope peace and calm will continue as more people view the shooting footage.
AustinTalks (
Elected officials hope peace and calm will continue as more people view the shooting footage.
In the wake of the Ferguson decision, Greater St. John Church hosted a community meeting earlier this month.
Business leader Malcolm Crawford urges elders in the community to allow the next generation to take the lead in creating a new movement.
What did Darren Wilson and Michael Brown assume, wonders writer Rasheena Fountain.
Local residents will discuss Chicago’s response to Ferguson from 6 to 8 p.m. at Greater St. John Bible Church, 1256 N. Waller.
State Rep. La Shawn Ford and U.S. Congressman Danny K. Davis say relations between African-American communities and the police must improve, and there needs to be a true commitment to community policing.
Read columnist John W. Fountain III’s take on what’s happening in Ferguson.