PCC Austin sells fruits, vegetables on Fridays this summer

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The PCC Austin Produce Market has begun its 2014 season.

The market is located outside PCC Austin Family Health Center at 5425 W. Lake St.  and will be held every Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Aug. 29. (The market will be closed July 4.)

Other West Side farmers markets start this week, including today at Columbus Park, tomorrow at La Follette Park and Thursday at Austin Town Hall.

For the past four years, the PCC Austin market has provided community members with the support needed to embark on or maintain a healthy lifestyle.

“Today was a very successful opening market day,” program manager Lucy Flores said after the market opened June 20.

“We sold out of produce just before noon, but that is a good problem to have,” Flores said. “We will increase our inventory and produce varieties incrementally over the next weeks to meet demand.”

For the first time, PCC has partnered with Testa Produce, a Chicago produce distributor, to provide high-quality produce at a reasonable price.

The produce market now offers fresh fruit in addition to its usual selection of vegetables. Last week’s selection included baby seedless watermelons, apples, collard greens and green tomatoes, the first item to sell out.

As in previous years, PCC AmeriCorps health educators will staff the market, providing information about healthy eating.

However, this year, food blogger Emily Paster, will make her first appearance at the market, hosting a session in which she will provide tasty recipes using produce available at the market.

For more information, call (708) 383-0113.


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