Outgoing alderman named to mayor’s transition team

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Mayor Rahm Emanuel named outgoing Ald. Deborah Graham this week to his transition team.

Graham, who lost her 29th Ward seat in the April 7th runoff to Chicago Police Sgt. Chris Taliaferro, was one of about a dozen people named.

The group’s been asked to engage residents on a series of key issues and build on the agenda the mayor outlined during his campaign.

The transition committee’s “public process will include multiple venues for public engagement, and some opportunities for direct participation by the mayor and his City Hall leadership team,” according to a press release issued earlier this week.

It’s an unusual move for a second-term public official to appoint a transition team, Chicago Sun-Times reporter Fran Spielman wrote.

“After being forced into Chicago’s first-ever mayoral runoff and fighting for his political life, he’s determined to listen more, talk less and build stronger connections to Chicago neighborhoods,” Spielman wrote.

Read the rest of her story here.

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