Westside Health Authority getting $300,000 grant

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The Westside Health Authority has received $300,000 in state appropriations secured by state Rep. La Shawn K. Ford (D-Chicago) to provide crisis intervention to residents of North Austin with critical health needs.

“We are so grateful to Rep. Ford for fighting to improve the lives of Austin residents,” Morris Reed, CEO of Westside Health Authority, said in a statement. “The funds are right on time to assist families who are struggling with a variety of needs that are left unmet.”

Through its community wellness project, the not-for-profit Austin group will provide coordinated, non-clinical, in-home wellness visits and case management services to 1,500 residents within a 50-block radius in zip code 60651.

Spanning over the course of five months, the project seeks to engage, educate and empower North Austin community members to become actively involved in their own health.

“These are critical programs that are needed within our community,” Ford said in a statement. “This grant will immediately put people to work in the Austin community.

“Austin has a very high unemployment rate, and this grant will help to provide work and skills for those who are employed, and the funds that were secured will help to promote health and well being within the community.”

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