West Side schools to get money for capital projects

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State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford (D-Chicago) announced this week that CPS’ 2015 budget for capital investment projects includes funding for these West Side schools:

These projects are part of the $423 million budgeted for capital improvements in the Chicago Public Schools for the next fiscal year. These projects will be funded by revenue from bond sales, TIF money, state and federal funding, and donations from corporate and private sources.

“I want to thank Dr. Barbara Byrd-Bennett, CEO of Chicago Public Schools, for announcing these investments in our schools in the 8th District,” Ford said in a statement.

“We have much work to do for our students, and these investments are a start in the continuing process to give our children better environments in which to learn.”


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  1. Pingback: CTU’s Lewis Compromises, Gets Weight-Loss Surgery, & Opposes Common Core | District 299: The Inside Scoop on CPS

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