Police take longer to respond to 911 calls on West Side

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It took Chicago Police longer to respond to 911 calls in Austin last year than it did in many other parts of the city, according to a Chicago Sun-Times story published Sunday.

Reporters Dan Mihalopoulos and Frank Main obtained police data for 2013 that shows the average response time in District 15 was 4 minutes and 10 seconds, with 33,934 calls recorded.

In District 11, it was 3 minutes and 32 seconds, with 51,348 calls recorded. And in District 25, it was 4 minutes and 27 seconds, with 49,410 calls recorded.

In other parts of the city – including the Northwest Side, the response time was far quicker.

To see how the city’s 19 other police districts fared, click here.

A spokesman for the Chicago Police Department told the Sun-Times the data don’t necessarily reflect how long it takes for officers to get to the scene of a crime.

The disparities in dispatch times – which date back years – caused the Central Austin Neighborhood Association (CANA) and the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois to file a lawsuit in 2011 accusing the city of discrimination for not having enough officers in higher-crime areas.

The case was thrown out but reinstated late last year.

To read the rest of the Sun-Times story, click here.



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