Ald. Mitts backing convicted felon running for Cook County Board

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The Chicago Sun-Times reported Friday that Ald. Emma Mitts (37th) is supporting former Ald. Ike Carothers in his quest to get elected to the Cook County Board of Commissioners.

Documents filed with the Illinois Board of Elections indicate Mitts is serving as campaign chairwoman of the Friends of Ike Carothers committee, Sun-Times reporter Brian Slodysko writes.

Carothers pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges related to his time as 29th Ward alderman and spent two years in prison.

“I don’t think people should look at me as being horrible — look at me as being truthful,” Mitts told the Sun-Times. “I’m not throwing a rock and hiding my hand . . . I’m putting my name on it.”

State law allows felons to seek county and statewide office, although Carothers can’t run for city office.

Here’s the rest of the story.

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