Getting a job is possible: Take Marion, for example

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Sometimes it seems impossible to get a job. But Marion, a graduate of Greater West Town’s Woodworkers Training Program, has proved that with a positive attitide and the right technical training, success may be just around the corner.

A graduate of Austin Community Academy High School, Marion, 23, spent 450 hours learning cabinet-making skills and furniture-making techniques from October 2011 through January 2012 at Greater West Town Training Partnership, 500 N. Sacramento Blvd.

Just two weeks after graduation, Marion started a new job at a manufacturer on the West Side fabricating picture frames. He was recognized as Employee of the Month in April and is enjoying the work and the paycheck.

Individuals like Marion, who have no previous experience in woodworking, can learn these much-needed skills in the industry at no cost, if income eligible, at Greater West Town Training Partnership.

Call (312) 563-9570 today to apply for the June 25th class or click here to visit the web site.

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