Austin’s Community Action Council looks for feedback for new area magnet school

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Community members and parents are encouraged to attend Austin’s Community Action Council meeting Tuesday, June 12.

The meeting, to be held at Spencer Technology Academy, 214 N. Lavergne Ave., will focus on the council’s strategic plan, updates on local schools and give community members a chance to voice opinions about a possible International Baccalaureate or magnet school coming to Austin.

The education council, headed by Ald. Deborah Graham (29th) and created by Chicago Public Schools in October of 2011, aims to involve parents and community groups in Austin schools. The council is charged with writing a set of recommendations for CPS in order to reshape education in Austin.

“It is my goal … to use the strategic plan as a magnet to attract parents and additional community stakeholders to become active members of the Austin Community Action Council in order to for their voice to become part of an ever evolving strategic plan,” said the committee’s vice-chair Dwayne Truss.

Some members of the council include representatives from the community group Austin Coming Together, Parents United for Responsible Education and the Westside Health Authority, among others. In addition to the alderman, Annett Gurley, chief of schools for the Austin-North Lawndale Network, will also be in attendance.

The meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. Those planning to attend should RSVP to or call (773) 553-2014. Parking is free, and refreshments will be served.

One thought on “Austin’s Community Action Council looks for feedback for new area magnet school

  1. I hope that some one from the CAC will be at the Westside Cluster Meeting Tuesday Morning June 12 at 9:30 a.m to let the parents know about the magnet school that the groups has been talking about and to get there inputs on it,if you all have not please have some one to be there,the parents and the community needs to know and to see what are there concern are Ms. Catherine Jones LSC Douglass Community Rep.

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