Group urges community to complete survey to help mitigate flooding

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To help alleviate widespread flooding in at-risk areas throughout Cook County, the Center for Neighborhood Technology is asking residents to complete a survey to assist the group with its case for greater action on flooding.

The Chicago-based non-profit, which aims to promote livable and sustainable urban communities, is collecting data citywide, and members want to make sure West Side residents participate.

“One reason for the survey is for us to get a better sense of the scale and cost of property flooding across the city and Cook County,” Harriet Festing, Center for Neighborhood Technology Water Program director, said in an e-mail.

“We do know from our discussions with residents and the private sector – sump pump suppliers, etc. – that the problem is serious on the West Side,” she said.

In 2010, West Siders saw the devastating effects of flooding when properties were damaged from excessive water caused by a July 23 storm that swept through leading Cook County to be a declared FEMA disaster area.

Click here, here, here and here to read AustinTalks’ coverage of the months-long efforts to repair and clean up damage caused by the 2010 flood.

Everyone who completes the survey will be entered to win a free I-GO Car Sharing membership, and those who do not win will receive a discounted membership fee ($25, a $50 savings) plus a $25 driving credit.

Click here for more information or to take the survey.




One thought on “Group urges community to complete survey to help mitigate flooding

  1. Pingback: CNT Press Mentions May 2012 : Center for Neighborhood Technology

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