Spots still open for teens looking for something to do after school

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If you have high-school aged teens who are interested in participating in after-school activities but don’t know how to get involved or you know teens who have already applied for a program and are waiting for a response, there are still programs looking to fill a few empty spots.

Most After School Matters programs begin the week of Feb. 6th, but there’s still time to get your teens involved. Some programs begin in March and April, too.

Contact Sharif Walker at today if you need help getting your teens in a program. Make sure to include your name, contact information, organization affiliation and location. If you are a parent or just a caring adult with interested teens, feel free to reach out as well.

Program types include singing, sports, dance, spoken word, technology, gardening, entrepreneurship, film making, sports broadcasting and culinary, and there are still spots available at these high schools:

  • Air Force Academy
  • Austin (all three schools)
  • Douglass
  • Dunbar
  • Clark
  • Crane
  • Farragut
  • Juarez
  • Kelly
  • Little Village
  • Manley
  • Marshall
  • Phoenix Military
  • Phillips
  • Tilden


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