Students should get a break from wearing school uniforms

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By Eddonishia Jones

When I am wearing my blue jeans and gray shirt I get more work done and I feel more comfortable. I wish I could do this more often on Wednesdays, which are half days at VOISE Academy.

Would you want to get out of uniform so you can go straight outside after school, or waste time and go home to change your clothes?

Some students believe they should get out of uniform on these days. My question is: should V.O.I.S.E. students wear uniforms on Wednesdays if they have a full week in school?

Yes, I believe students should be able to express themselves and have a break by coming out of uniform. Students go to school five days a week; it would be fair if they could get a break just once a week.

Even teachers think students learns how to be more mature from getting out of uniform.

“They should because it gives them a chance to show they can dress and have style,” says VOISE substitute teacher Ms. Albano. It is a chance to dress cool and be grown up and make decisions.”

Some people think students should wear uniforms to avoid dressing in inappropriate clothes or gang colors, but I think if they follow certain rules they can avoid being in danger.

VOISE Principal Todd Yarch says he tells students not to wear signs on their shirts, earrings, hats or belts buckles to school. This helps to keep the students away from gang members when they are walking down the street on their way to school.

He is personally not a fan of uniforms, but he doesn’t trust student to wear appropriate clothes. Inappropriate clothes are banned because they cause distraction to the other students. Principal Yarch wouldn’t have a problem with students coming out of uniform if they wear the right clothes.

Why not allow students to earn the right to not wear their uniforms on certain days. Requirements should be perfect attendance, stay out of trouble and good grades.

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