Junior journalism student Brittany Douglas surveyed her classmates about which classes they think V.O.I.S.E. Academy should offer to all grade levels at the school.
Here’s what she found.

Freshman Kenyatta Wilburn/Cosmetology: “I believe that V.O.I.S.E. should have this class because a lot of students that attend V.O.I.S.E. love to do hair.”

Junior Brenesha McNeal/Drama: “Because it’s fun and everybody thinks it’s the most popular class.”

Freshman Anisha Cannon/Cooking class: “Because it is calming to smell good food.”

Sophomore Jose Suarez/Gym: “I think that if we have gym every grade, students would be encouraged to stay fit and stay healthy.”

Junior Shauntalei Lanelle Brown/Home Economics: “Because I think that class relates to real life, and every child should have that experience.”

Freshman Chakell Phillips/Reading: “Because reading is what you need in everyday life.”

Junior Marquita Hammonds/Music: “V.O.I.S.E. should have music for every grade because it’s good for everyone to show their creativity through music.”

Sophomore Taylor Lonye' Kimmons/Home Economics: “In our society, pregnancy is at a rising rate. Home economics will help teenagers be better prepared.”
i do agree because if we have the same simple classes than everyone will get bored and not come to school anymore.Just look at the attendance rate inside the school now with out the classes now imagine the schools who do.
I love this story because instead of an average survey, it includes pictures of each source interviewed and it shows direct quotes which is also important. Good job, Brittney. 🙂
This article is really great! I really love the different ideas that everyone is giving. I especially love why everyone wanted these classes because they are all true. Fantastic survey question to ask!TWO THUMBS UP!