Another West Sider running for mayor

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wrote about a longtime West Sider and Chicago police officer has announced his intention to challenge first-term Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, according to a recent story by our partners at the Austin Weekly News.

Frederick Collins has been on the Chicago Police Department for more than 20 years and has run for political office before.

“I believe the mayor has not acted as a public servant of the people, but instead as a dictator who has simply made decisions independent of the will of the people,” the 45-year-old Collins told the Austin Weekly News.

Collins points to the city’s decision to close dozens of schools last year as an example of the mayor’s poor leadership.

“The closings were bad enough, but the fact that the mayor never even attended any of the meetings to discuss the closings with parents and school faculty showed his lack of regard for his constituents,” Collins said.

“He is a servant of the people, and he can’t even talk to the people about decisions that will impact their lives? It’s unconscionable.”

Collins joins fellow West Side Amara Enyia, whom AustinTalks recently profiled.

To learn more about Collins, click here.

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