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West Side state Rep. La Shawn Ford (D-8th) is scheduled for court Tuesday morning.
Members of the community are urging supporters to join them in a “roll call for justice” at the 9:30 a.m. arraignment at the Everett McKinley Courthouse, 219 S. Dearborn St.
Ford was indicted on 17 counts of bank fraud last month, which some residents say is false.
Dan Haley, editor and publisher of Oak Park’s Wednesday Journal, echoed that support in a recent column.
“The news reports Thursday that another Chicago politician had been indicted by the feds brought the usual, and not unfair, reaction: ‘Good. They nailed another crook,'” he wrote.
“This time though, with the indictment of state Rep. LaShawn Ford, I’d ask you to step back, look more closely and consider the possibility that the U.S. Attorney’s Office has, in this case, erred.”
Read the entire column, “Standing up for LaShawn Ford.”
AustinTalks will be attending the arraignment. Visit the site for future coverage.