Several barbers in partnership with I Am A Gentleman will be providing more than 500 male students with a free haircut as they get ready to go back to school.
“Every kid should feel good heading into their first day of school, and giving out haircuts is a great way for them to build confidence,” said Jermaine Lawrence Anderson, founder of I Am A Gentleman.
This is the sixth year the national organization that mentors and empowers African American male teens through various programs and activities and teaches them what it means to give back to others has provided free haircuts.
Each child will also be given a book bag and special goodies.
Anderson said he wants to build a community that gives Chicago kids the opportunity to be successful and help them achieve goals far beyond their imagination.
Haircuts, available by appointment only, will be offered every Monday and Wednesday from 12 to 8 p.m. starting today (Aug. 8) and continuing through Sept. 7 at the I Am A Gentleman office in their pop-up grooming studio at 540 W. 35th St.
Anyone wanting to make school supply donations can do so during these times.
The free haircuts are offered to any male student in the Chicago area. To make an appointment, visit
For more information, send an email to or call (312) 471-5590.