Residents, groups to gather Saturday to improve early childhood education

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Austin Coming Together will hold its third annual early childhood symposium Saturday, Oct. 10 from 9 a.m. t0 3 p.m.

This free event will feature workshops for childcare providers, advocacy training for parents and community members,  a resource fair with over 20 informational and interactive booths, and the release of ACT’s education agenda, which includes a special community focus on promoting 3rd-grade success for Austin’s children.

Over the past year, Austin Coming Together and its member organizations have created a long-term road map to ensure 3rd grade success for all Austin children by the year 2025. Better known as ACT’s “Education Agenda,” the collective strategy is part of United Way of Metropolitan Chicago’s Neighborhood Network Initiative and will be launched Saturday at noon.

ACT’s Education Agenda primary goals include:

  • increasing the accessibility and quality of early learning programs,
  • creating more economic opportunities for families and
  • making neighborhoods safer.


Third grade success is a critical milestone for overall educational attainment, as it’s a key predictor of high school graduation and career success. If young children don’t have the opportunity to develop the tools they need to be successful in school by the 3rd grade (i.e. literacy, social skills, behavior, etc.), they are more likely to fall further and further behind in school.


Participants on Saturday include the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago, Ald. Emma Mitts (37th), Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin and other West Side public officials.

The event, which will be held at By the Hand Club for Kids, 415 N. Laramie Ave., will feature a special performance by the Happiness Club.


Registration for Saturday’s workshops is required. Click here for more information.



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