Theatrical performance continues Friday night

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Join the Chicago Park District Thursday and Friday evenings at Austin Town Hall for a two-night event featuring a vivid theatrical enactment of the debate displayed in “This House Believes the American Dream is at the Expense of the American Negro.

This iteration of the Theater on the Lake series, adapted by and directed by Zachary Baker-Salmon, features the 1965 debate the Cambridge Union Society hosted between James Baldwin and William F. Buckley Jr. The subject was: Has the American dream been achieved at the expense of the American negro?

The debate – which will be staged at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 13 and 14 – tells a story of 1960s America, but contemporary audiences will hear reverberations of our country’s current racial crises.

At the end, the audience is invited to vote on the winner as a chance to become a part of the history shaping Baldwin/Buckley debate itself on its 50th anniversary.

Seating is limited, so please register here.

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