Collaboraction brings its “crime scene” performance to West Side

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“Crime Scene: The Next Chapter” will perform tonight, Aug. 20 and Friday, Aug. 21 at Austin Town Hall, 5610 W. Lake St.

Collaboraction, the Chicago theater community’s “Ambassadors of Hope,” continues to spread its message of peace, art, love, hope and fun throughout Chicago with the one-hour Crime Scene. It offers a history of Chicago violent crime and a search for lasting change, featuring Chicago stories to raise questions about segregation, systemic poverty, news media and popular culture.

On Friday, a peace rally will start at 5 p.m. with a free barbecue, Dome of Dance tournament, local organization displays and pre-show performances. The main event will include a town hall discussion.

See what the performance will be like.

Tickets are free, but reservations are requested. For information or to reserve your free ticket, email, visit or call (312) 226-9633.

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