Birth center to host women’s night out series

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The PCC Community Wellness Center will host a series of free “women’s night out” events at the Birth Center at PCC.

These events will foster community, model self-care techniques, and introduce health concepts such as nutrition or physical activity for women and mothers.

The first Women’s Night Out event will be held July 24, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at 6201 Roosevelt in Berwyn.

Friday night’s events highlights include Nia dancing and belly dancing.

“Women who dance together, stay together and create community,” said Mary Sommers, Birth Center director of operations. “Pregnancy and motherhood can be isolating because we don’t have places to gather, sing, and dance. Dancing and song often go together in most cultures. It’s a universal truth.”

All events are baby-friendly and do not require an RSVP. Snacks will be provided.

The Birth Center at PCC remains the only free-standing birth center in Illinois. It is a home-like facility separate from the hospital where women can give birth with minimal medical intervention. Free childbirth education classes are available to patients and community members.

On Aug. 28, Gertrude Lyons of The Wright Foundation will discuss mothering and infant attachment. Art and yoga will follow.

The last event that wraps up the series will be Sept. 25 and include a Zumba celebration.

For more information or to schedule a tour of the birth center,  contact Mary Sommers at (708) 317-3035 or email

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