Police chief’s “listening tour” coming to Austin

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Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy has been meeting with residents across the city in what he’s calling the “CPD Neighborhood Outreach Tour.”

“I’m going out every single day to community meetings, sitting down with small groups of residents without the press, and we have conversations and we listen to people,” McCarthy said in a speech last month at the Chicago City Club.

But finding out when the events are being held has proved challenging for some residents wanting to attend these community meetings – and aldermen, too.

Chicago Public Radio spent weeks trying to learn more about McCarthy’s outreach tour since it was announced in April.

“We’ve called, we’ve emailed about half a dozen times, and we’ve asked in person. The main question is — where are these events listed for the public?” according to a recent story by WBEZ reporter Patrick Smith.

WBEZ did, however, manager to determine when several of the meetings are being held, including one in Austin’s 15th Police District.

It’s scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 15th at Mars Hill Baptist Church, 5916 W. Lake St. For more information, contact Pastor Clarence E. Stowers Jr. at (773) 287-3535.

To read the rest of WBEZ’ story, click here.




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