Austin church honors two local business owners Sunday

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Greater St. John Bible Church, 1256 N. Waller Ave., will celebrate its pastor’s 50th birthday by honoring two local business owners.

The festivities for Rev. Ira J. Acree will be held during Sunday morning worship services, beginning at 10:30 a.m.

Malcolm Crawford, the executive director of the Austin African American Business Networking Association (AABNA) and the visionary behind the BEER concept (Black Economic Empowerment Rallies), will be honored.

So will Charmaine Rickette, the proprietor of the multiple site and West Side famed Uncle Remus restaurant.

“Charmaine has been an exemplary entrepreneur. Her business standards and quality should be emulated all across the city. She also gives back to the community and that speaks volumes about her character,” Acree said in a press release.

“Malcolm’s advocacy for and passion to see African-American business thrive has made a believer out of me,” Acree said. “He has committed his life to creating a business district in our city for African Americans, similar to other ethnic groups like Lithuanian Village, Chinatown, Little Italy and Little Village.

“It’s a privilege to share this very special day with two very worthy modern day African American heroes.”

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