Free HIV screening available in Austin this summer

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Neighborhoods across Chicago will play host to free HIV testing this summer as part of the third annual Step Up, Get Tested campaign.

The campaign kicks off from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, June 5 with testing events taking place simultaneously on the city’s North, South and West sides.

Each testing event will include access to free, rapid HIV testing services, education and support resources.

Here’s more information about the June 5 testing:

  • West Side: Central Avenue and Lake Streeet (Green Line CTA)
  • North Side: Wilson Avenue and Broadway (Red Line CTA)
  • South Side: 71st Street and Jeffrey Boulevard
  • 18th and Paulina Streets (Pink Line CTA)

Additional testing events will be held across the city throughout the summer.

Step Up. Get Tested. is Chicago’s largest city-wide campaign to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and encourage the public to get tested. This year’s goal is to test 5,000 individuals between June 5 and July 4.

Step Up. Get Tested. is supported by the Chicagoland HIV Testing Collaborative – a group of community and public health organizations that have joined forces to promote HIV testing in the city’s most at-risk communities.

Every 9.5 minutes someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV, and many don’t even know they’ve been infected until they’ve passed the virus along to others.

In Chicago alone, more than 21,000 people are living with HIV and 1,000+ new cases are diagnosed each year.

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