Head of Circle Family Health resigns

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Our partners at the Austin Weekly News are reporting that Circle Family HealthCare Network CEO André Hines has resigned her position with the health center.

The agency, which Dr. Hines has led since 2010, filed for bankruptcy last year.

At the time, Hines told AustinTalks Circle Family Health had been burdened with “a lot of debt for a long time,” and that coupled with slow state payments and reduced grant funding for behavioral health services, had taken a toll on the agency, whose staff had dropped from about 125 to 170 employees.

Much of the non-profit’s funding came from the state.

In 2010, the state awarded Circle Health $1.13 million for an anti-violence initiative that’s come under fire in recent months for the way in which groups were selected and how some of the money was spent.

To learn more about Hines’ departure and who’s leading Circle Health temporarily, click here.

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