Services held today for 3-year-old fire victim

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Services for the 3-year-old Austin boy killed in a fire Feb. 14 are being held this morning at Smith and Thomas Funeral Home, 5708 W. Madison St.

The wake for Ja’Antwaion Edwards will be held from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. followed by the funeral.

Three funeral homes – Leak and Sons Funeral Home, Garfield Funeral Home, and Smith and Thomas Funeral Home – offered to donate their

Ja’Antwaion’s family described the boy as a playful 3-year-old, a sweet and energetic kid. He always had a gigantic smile on his face. His favorite color was red, and he enjoyed wrestling with his older brothers Demetrius, D’Angelo, Dont’e and Divine.

“During such dark a moment, the community and the media found ways to come together to help this family in need,” state Rep. La Shawn Ford said in a press release. “The community answered the call, and Baby Edwards will have a proper burial as a result of many generous people.”

The family still needs basic items such as clothing and household items, which were lost in the fire. Donations are being accepted on the family’s behalf by the Westside Health Authority at (773) 378-1878.

For more information, you may contact Ford’s office at 4800 W. Chicago
Ave. or call (773) 378-5902.

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