Don’t miss your chance to play Santa

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Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mark Brown spent time earlier this month with some second-graders at Milton Brunson Math & Science School as they wrote letters to Santa.

Brown visited the Austin school to kick off the newspaper’s annual “Letters to Santa” program as part of its Season of Sharing initiative.

Preschool through third-graders at Brunson and about 60 or so other Chicago schools and social services agencies will be participating in the program. At least 10,000 Letters to Santa are expected.

If you’re interested in helping answer a child’s letter this year, you can buy a gift or make a monetary donation to the Sun-Times’ Empty Stocking Fund.

To request a letter, click here, e-mail at or call (312) 321-3114.

To read about some of the children Brown met during his visit to Brunson, click here.

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