Community peace camp set for Saturday

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A community peace camp sponsored by Greater St. John’s Men’s Ministry brings an afternoon of basketball and fun to Austin Saturday.

The free event will be held Nov. 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Ella Flagg Young School gym, 1434 N. Parkside Ave. It’s available to men between the ages of 14 to 30 years old.

The camp’s festivities will include a 3-point contest, skills competition, dunk contest and prizes for winners of all events.

Monetary prizes will be awarded to contest winners, plus there will be career services counselors, voter registrars and other wrap around services on hand.

Free breakfasts is available for all youth 19 years old and under. Refreshments for youth and adults will be available late in the afternoon.

Former Gang leader “Boonie” McFowler of the Undertaker Vice Lords has played a significant role in organizing and recruiting young men for the basketball camp.

Rev. Ira J. Acree senior pastor of Greater St. John Bible Church, heralds the camp’s effort of attempting to stop the rising violence occurring in the Austin community.

“It is great to see another generation of men of whom I have had the pleasure to serve with, from the community that has raised me, rise up against violence,” Acree said in a statement.

“Last year, the Austin community held the embarrassing distinction of being the deadliest community in Chicago. Many community stake holders have since carried the heavy burden of doing all that we can to make Austin safer and to provide our youth and young adults with more live options.

“Hopefully, this camp is the first of many to come. As we continue to build partnerships and find sponsors, transformation will be imminent.”

To RSVP for this event, please call 773-378-3300.

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