Hot air balloon presentation at Austin elementary school

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The RE/MAX hot air balloon will present an interactive educational program June 11 at Ella Flagg Young Elementary School, 1434 N. Parkside Ave.

All 1,000 students at Young will learn about various aspects of ballooning, including its history and the scientific principles involved, and they will see a demonstration on how the balloon functions.

The program will be presented twice, beginning at 9 a.m. outdoors on the school grounds, with half the students attending each presentation.

The balloon will be involved in more than 100 educational programs presented by its crew at schools across northern Illinois this year.

The balloon envelope will be inflated with hot air to its full 75-foot height if the program is held outdoors. If the program needs to be moved indoors due to inclement weather, the envelope will be inflated with cold air so that students can walk inside it as part of the educational experience.

Also on hand to enhance the occasion will be a “cold air” version of the RE/MAX soaring home balloon, a house-like inflatable.

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