Ministers plan an hourlong prayer for 2012 murder victims

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Chicago pastors anticipate more than 200 churches participating in the citywide night of prayer Friday, April 5, from 7-8 p.m.

In an attempt to raise awareness, church members will stand on corners where Chicagoans were killed last year.

“We are praying that God would not allow the homicide number to be no more than 257 this year, which would be a 50 percent reduction from 2012,” said Rev. James Meeks in an email letter to Chicago pastors. “Please wear a red top during our night out to indicate this is the church – praying all over the city.

Last year, Chicago experienced 515 homicides, according to a Redeye homicide tracker Meeks sent to Chicago pastors. According to the list, Austin led the category of most murders – 37.

For more information contact Denise Rogers at (773) 418-3426


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