Paid internship open for Choose Respect Illinois

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High school students have until Aug. 31 to submit applications for the Illinois African American Coalition for Prevention’s paid internship program.

The selected candidate will serve as a staff member on the Choose Respect Iillinois team, which coordinates trainings, workshops, and program support for 14 communities statewide to promote broad youth-led efforts to foster healthier realtionships among youth.

The Choose Respect Illinois Youth Intern should be between the ages of 15 and 18 (preferably a sophomore or junior in high school); have demonstrated leadership in a school-based, faith-based or youth services-based activity; and have effective oral and written communication skills.

The Choose Respect paid internship benefits include:

  • Just 10-15 hours participation a month.
  • A monthly stipend and CTA fare card.
  • Develop college and resume ready skills and experiences.
  • Travel throughout Illinois for conferences, workshops and site visits.
  • Gain skills in Office Suites (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) and Adobe Publisher.
  • Assist in the designing and administrating of the Choose Respect networking site and E- Zine (electronic magazine).
  • Connect with others who are passionate about violence prevention.
  • Earn service-learning hours.

Click here for more information and to complete the online application.

Applicants with questions or concerns can contact Kristy Rauch, special initiatives director, at


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