Rep. Camille Lilly goes red for heart health; announces free cooking class

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Springfield, Ill. – Female legislators including Rep. Camille Lilly (78th) wore red in unison at the state capitol Feb. 8 to promote awareness of heart disease among women.

One in three women dies of cardiovascular disease, and to bring attention to the issue, the Conference of Women Legislators, the Illinois Department of Public Health and the American Heart Association are working together this month for “Go Red for Women.”

Legislators will wear pedometers to keep track of their steps over the legislative session, and Pfizer Inc. is donating $1 for every mile walked — up to $5,000 — that will go toward the Conference of Women Legislators scholarship fund.

“We are leaders joining with communities in Springfield to help bring awareness of heart disease and better lifestyle choices,” Lilly said. “We have a challenge – ten thousand steps each to be healthier women.”

Sen. Kimberly Lightford (4th) and Lilly are co-hosting heart healthy recipes in communities of color. A cooking class will be held at Loretto Hospital, 645 S. Central Ave., Feb. 24 from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

A chef will be available to prepare and share heart-healthy recipes for women in the community at no charge, Lilly said.

For more information about the cooking class, contact Lilly’s district office at (708) 445-9520.


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