Proposed budget includes hike in golf fees at Columbus Park

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Columbus Park golfers could see an increase in fees if the Chicago Park District’s proposed 2012 budget is passed, reports Chicago Sun-Times reporter Lisa Donovan.

The budget, which is set for a vote Dec. 14, also includes an increase in the cost of parking at Soldier Field, permit fees for use of park district property and boat slip fees at three harbors.

Current rates to golf at Columbus Park are $17 for nine holes on a week day and $19 on a weekend. The last day to pay these rates is Wednesday, Nov. 30, before the course closes for the season.

In spring 2012, it will cost an extra $1 per round or bucket – $18 on a week day and $20 on a weekend.

The increases will help pay for a new family discount program, the expansion of summer youth camps and allow the park district to waive program fees for active duty military personnel, the Sun-Times reported.

Under the new family discount program, in families with multiple children, the first child will be full price while the siblings will get a 10 percent discount.

Parks District Superintendent Michael Kelly told Donovan he hopes the discount, along with adding more basketball and soccer camps for 13- to 18-year-olds, will bring more youths to the parks.

“Those are the kids that are hanging out — we’ve got to get them in,” Kelly said.

Kelly told Donovan revenues will also be used to honor our armed forces by waiving program fees for active duty military personnel and giving their families a 10 percent discount.

“These are two of our ways of recognizing what’s going on in the world — and we’re trying to help folks,” Kelly said to Donovan. “The economy stinks, a lot of our people are at war and this is our way of giving back.”

To read the full Sun-Times story, click here.


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