Collins still refusing to take furlough days

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Fox Chicago News reported yesterday that Earlean Collins, who represents Austin on the Cook County Board, is one of two commissioners still declining to take furlough days.

AustinTalks reported Sept. 24 that Collins had refused to take the 10 days off without pay – an action she and the 16 other commissioners unanimously agreed to when they passed the 2011 budget earlier this year.

Fox Chicago News reported that board members spent much of a recent meeting arguing about two commissioners who won’t take the furlough days approved by the board.

Originally, there were five holdouts, but Commissioners Deborah Sims, Robert Steele and Joan Murphy changed their minds, leaving Commissioners William Beavers and Collins as the hold-outs.

To read the full story by Fox News, click here.


One thought on “Collins still refusing to take furlough days

  1. Taking furlough days mean taking a salary reduction. Besides, our new cook county president is still issuing raises, increases taxes and fees. Maybe, there should be a decrease in the number of cook county commissioners?

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