Spots still available for crime fighting conference

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The Chicago Westside Branch NAACP Block Club will hold a six-hour conference Saturday on “Crime in our Community: Strategies, Suggestions and Solutions.”

The free event will be take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Chicagoland Laborers’ Training & Apprentice Center, 5700 W. Homer St.

“Together, we can develop strategies and programs to reduce crime in our communities,” said West Side Branch Chairman Vera Davis. “We would like to establish a network of community residents, leaders, businesses, public officials, social service agencies, churches and youth committed to the eradication of the scourge of crime from our communities.”

Elected officials, law enforcement and members of the judiciary will give presentations on the current state of affairs, as well as possible strategies and solutions. The presentations will be followed by a question and discussion period.

“This conference will not be a blame game or gripe session, but a discourse among the various stakeholders that will address a cancerous problem which is eating at the social and economic fabric of our communities,” said Branch President Karl Brinson.

For more information, contact Community Coordination Committee Chairman Bernard Clay at (773)287-2290 or e-mail him at

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