Westside Health Authority awarded $75,000 grant

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The Chicagoland affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® has awarded a $75,000 grant to Westside Health Authority for Every Woman Counts! Breast Health Program.

The grant will support an initiative that seeks to reduce the late-stage incidence and mortality of breast cancer among African-American women, with little or no access to adequate health care and treatment on Chicago’s West Side. The program empowers women with breast health knowledge, assists women 40 years or older in obtaining free or low-cost screenings, and work with women and healthcare facilities to eliminate delays in obtaining tests results and needed follow-up services.

“We are proud that the Chicagoland Area Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® shares our mission and has chosen to support our program.  With these funds we will be able to increase our reach in the communities we serve (Austin, East and West Garfield Park). Additionally, with these funds we will be able to increase access to quality mammograms and link women to quality medical care,” said Cody McSellers-McCray, director of health promotions at Westside Health Authority.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, and the Chicagoland Area Affiliate is one of 125 affiliates on the frontlines dedicated to ending breast cancer in their communities.

“At the Komen Chicagoland affiliate, we conducted a needs assessment of our community and discovered the need to address breast health disparities in underserved communities,” said Executive Director Michael Ziener. “We are confident that women in our community will have low-cost access to the care they need.”

Through events like the Komen Chicago Race for the Cure, the Chicagoland affiliate has invested over $9 million in community breast cancer programs in five counties. Up to 75 percent of net proceeds generated by the affiliate stays in the Chicago Area. The remaining 25 percent funds breast cancer research.





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