Rally planned Saturday to stop post office closings

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Angered about the proposed closure of three West Side post offices, community residents will hold a rally Saturday morning to announce the campaign to win a moratorium on all post office closures. Targeted sites on the closing list include three in Austin: 324 S. Laramie Ave: 5001 W. Division St., and 4222 W. Madison St.

“It is a disgrace that the postmaster is trying to strip away the local services that many people rely on. Post Offices are a vital part of our community, and we are committed to protecting them,” said Theresa Welch of the South Austin Coalition.

Community residents believe it’s time for a moratorium on post office closures, consolidations and suspensions. The U.S. Postal Service seems to be closing post offices as fast as it can, and communities barely have time to react, advocates say.

“For more than 100 years, the Postal Service has been the gateway to the middle class for African-Americans. The potential cuts to 20 percent of the workforce, and the slashing of its benefit programs has the potential to send some black households spiraling into a chasm of financial uncertainty,” said Rickie Brown of the Westside Historical Society.

The rally will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Brunson Post Office, 324 S. Laramie Ave.

State Sen. Annazette Collins and Ald. Jason Ervin held a rally earlier this week. The closings, which could come as early as December and have targeted about a dozen Chicago-area offices, were announced last month.

2 thoughts on “Rally planned Saturday to stop post office closings

  1. I cannot stand the 60651 post office. That building on Division Street is an ineffective excuse for a service organization. 60651 Post Office is closing- great news!

    I have a lock on my mailbox, yet, somehow, my mail continues to be tampered with. The only explanation is the US Post Office. Any envelope that is differently sized or is colored as much as off-white is half-opened when I retrieve my mail. Perhaps my stream of snail-mail to the Postmaster General complaining about 60651 did the trick!

    If there is a protest to keep this disaster open, I may counter-protest to get it closed!


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