Teens can get free HIV testing today

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Universal Family Connection Inc. will target teens as part of its National HIV Testing Day events with an afternoon of entertainment at its 1350 W. 103rd St. location.

Starting at noon until 4 p.m. today teens can enjoy such acts as comedian Kaliph Hassan, DJ Jammin’D, the Nkognito Dance Crew with Little Nitas’ and a special tribute to Michael Jackson with “Rico” as Michael while taking advantage of free HIV testing provided by South Shore Hospital.

There will be free refreshments for teens, and each teen who takes the HIV test will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win such prizes as a pass to Six Flags, McDonald’s gift certificates, a Colors Nail Salon gift certificate and other items.

Teens are being targeted because statistics show that compared to the general population, adolescents have one of the fastest increasing rates of HIV infection; nationally, an average of two young people are infected with HIV every hour of every day. The STI/HIV Chicago Surveillance Report Fall 2010 states that between 2003 and 2008, the number of HIV infection diagnoses in Chicago increased for those ages 12-19 and 20-29 while the older age groups all experienced declines.

Universal Family Connection Inc. is a not-for-profit social service agency serving Chicago’s South Side and south suburban areas for 35 years. UFC provides a variety of programs including HIV prevention and education; support groups for HIV+ adults; foster care case management, crisis and intervention programs; as well as domestic violence programs for victims and perpetrators.

For more information on this event or other services provided by Universal Family Connection, call 773/881-1711.

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