Drill team teaches a lot more than dance

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By Sydney Miller

Known for their bright white and gold jumpsuits, vibrant moves and upbeat performances, the Golden Knights Drill Team, also known as GKDT, is a non-profit organization that is focused on developing the youth of our community.

GKDT was founded in September 2006 by Mr. Antonio Hughes at the North Kenwood Oakland Charter School to create another alternative for youth other than sports and other common activities. The group’s mission is to “teach youth the principles of discipline, leadership, and charity through performing arts and community service,” according to its Web site.

VOISE Academy has its very own GKDT members, juniors Mario Shack and Akuamoah Waldon. Both have been active members since they were 13 and are still dedicated participants today.

Both students said they would continue to be a part of GKDT because of the “life-changing experience” and how much being on the drill team has taught them.

“The best part about performing is the thrill of being on stage or anywhere else and the focus of everyone on you,” says Akuamoah.

GKDT also includes another critical component called T.O.N.E.: Together Our Neighborhoods Evolve, which was set in place to make sure all members of the drill team give back to the community with community service.

“Community service is good and builds character. It also gives us service learning hours for school,” says Mario.

So, not only does GKDT provide an exciting and different alternative to other after-school activities, it also allows its members to go beyond their performances and provide community service to the city of Chicago.

Today, Golden Knights Drill Team is still running strong and consists of many dedicated members, all having fun and giving back to the community at the same time. For more information, click here to view videos, photos and contact information.


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