Apply now for summer jobs

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Young people between the ages of 14 and 21 looking for summer activities, internships or job opportunities and need assistance, this is for you.

The 2011 application for Youth Ready Chicago summer opportunities is now available at This online application provides a centralized place to apply to many program partners, including Chicago Public Schools, Chicago Park District, After School Matters, Chicago Housing Authority and the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services.

To be eligible for the program, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Must be between 14 and 21 at the time of the application
  • Must live in the city of Chicago with a valid mailing address
  • Must have a social security number or a number that is legally allowed to replace a social security number for the purposes of employment
  • Must provide a guardian’s signature for applicants under the age of 18 at the time of application.

The deadline to apply is Friday, June 3rd.

Applicants or parents/guardians with questions about summer opportunities may call the Jobs Hotline at 312-743-0208 or e-mail


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