Annual career day gets students thinking about their future

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By Vikia A. Thurman

Some of the best things about VOISE Academy Career Day is the fact that students get out of class for the day and they don’t wear their school uniform, but at the same time, they learn something new.

“Career Day is a day where we get to dress up and learn about other people’s careers,” said Junior Joyce Brown.

This year’s career day was held in March; a lot of people from various companies and representing different careers came to the Austin campus to present a workshop that educated students about different jobs, the interviewing process and how to make a resume.

It was the third-annual career day held at the school, 231 N. Pine St.

Students engaged in fun activities and games, such as an arm wrestling type game that showed team work. Students also played a card matching game, which indicted team work as well.

“I like career day because we get to learn about other people’s lives, careers and life styles, which helps us make our decisions about out career and our future,” said Junior Kiisha Long.

Freshmen, sophomores and juniors at VOISE had the opportunity to have fun and learn about career options at the same time.

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