Check out the Illinois Senate’s plan to redraw political boundaries

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The Illinois Senate Redistricting Committee has released a redistricting proposal for public review. It can be viewed here or here.

“The Senate has placed a high priority on involving Illinois citizens throughout the redistricting process by holding numerous hearings all over the state,” Sen. Kimberly Lightford said in a written statement. “The information released today is easily accessible to citizens, and I would encourage anyone who is interested to review the proposal.”

The Maywood Democrat serves on the redistricting committee, which over the last two years has held more than 20 public meetings throughout Illinois.

Redistricting Committee Chairman Kwame Raoul announced today that the panel will conduct two more public hearings – one at noon Saturday, May 21 in Committee Room C-600 of the Michael A. Bilandic Building, 160 N. LaSalle St.

The second will be held at the Statehouse in Springfield on Tuesday, May 24 at 9 a.m.

Citizens can stream live both meetings over the Internet at

One thought on “Check out the Illinois Senate’s plan to redraw political boundaries

  1. Danny Davis, as Shakespear once wrote, is much to do about nothing….he has not done much for the westside – it takes him forever to even complete a sentence. He needs to retire, along with Daley.

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